Sunday School

Adv. Geo George C

Pr.Liju Koshy

Bro.Pradeep Mathew

Pr. Sajan Zacharia P

Bro Punnoose M. Kurian
A brief report of Karnataka State Sunday School Association
By the Grace of God the Karnataka State Sunday School Association was formed on January 2001 under the able leadership of Bro. K V Mathew. Under his direction the association worked with the motto ‘TRAIN UP THE CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO’.
It was the desire to have Sunday School inevery Church in Karnataka even if only one child was there.
In the year 2014, Bro. C P Wilson took over as Director; the same year the syllabus was changed to Kumbanad syllabus. In 2015, we obtained the copy right for translation of Malayalam texts and translation started under the guidance of Pastor K.P.George. Some of the books were translated and printed under the banner of Karnataka State Sunday School Association.
Sunday school for Karnataka is divided into 5 zones and there are zonal leaders who handle their respective zones.We have Annual Talent tests and Examinations. Around 400 students from different churches in Karnataka participate. The prizes are given out during the Annual conventions.
Other programs like VBS, Back to School are conducted zonal wise and Church wise.
God has blessed our Sunday school in the past 17 years. He is still blessing and adding more and more students every year.
Sunday school is one of the church’s most powerful ways to affirm the Word of God as the foundation for living the Christian life. It is the place where we teach the vital importance of Scripture to our babies, children, youth, young adults, and discipline them in their Christian walk. It is our way of fulfilling the Great Commission of reaching the lost at any cost. The very fundamental objective of Sunday school is to fulfil the great commission of Jesus. Mathew 28;19-20.where Jesus talks about teaching the scripture, making disciples and leading Children to the fellowship with Jesus Christ. To achieve this objective, we plan, organize and implement Christian education through local Sunday School, workshops, seminars, camps, vacation bible study, and through many other means.
This process will help and equip children to lead an exemplary life, spiritually,physically, sociallyemotionally and intellectually.Spiritualwisdom and quest for the truth should be infused in the child at the early age. Moral and spiritual values should be included in children so that he/she may differentiate easily between right and wrong.
Man, Machine and Money are considered as trinity of the modern world.The need of the hour is to impart moral and spiritual values to the children to make them strong,brave, courageous and valiant to fight the boundless list of evils and prepare them to face pressure of the highly competitive world.
Bible says in 1 peter 2:5 “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood “let us mould the child in the way to make him/her a spiritual, Godfearing, fruit bearing, useful, complete and perfect person .any academic excellence without ethics and morality is no use to the society and is totally far from gods purpose of man .please do continue to pray for the welfare of Sunday School.